About SAI

The Strength Assessment Inventory (SAI) is designed to be easily administered by individuals from a variety of backgrounds. The SAI can be used by psychology and psychiatric professionals, social workers, probation officers, custody staff, substance-abuse counselors, parents, school counselors, and special education staff. Assessors administering the SAI should read the manual thoroughly and follow the administration procedures.


The youth assessment (SAI-Y) is a 124-item measure that provides a comprehensive assessment of individual strengths in youths between the ages of 10-18. The SAI covers areas of day to day functioning including school, family, friends, free time, faith, culture and so on. The measure is simple to complete by either the youth themselves or with someone who is close to them.


There is an observer version (SAI-O) of the SAI-Y for the youth to complete and for use by someone who knows the youth well, such as a counselor, parent, or teacher. The SAI-O contains the same items as the SAI-Y.